Accomplishment of the experiment MOTOMIR (MYO-MOTOSCAN)

Russian Longterm-Flight – Phase 1

Here you can find the accomplishment of the experiment MOTOMIR which was accomplished before, during and after the flight by the main crew 15. The main crew 15 consisted of the cosmonauts Viktor Mikhailovich Afanasiyev (V. M. A.), Yuri Vladimirovich Usachev (Yu. V. U.) and Valeri Vladimirovich Poljakov (V. V. P.).

Pre-Flight checkups
No. Date
Cosmonaut Comment
V. M. A. Yu. V. U. V. V. P.
1 20.08.1993
2 01.09.1993
3 14.09.1993
4 17.09.1993
5 20.10.1993
6 26.10.1993
7 28.10.1993
8 01.11.1993
9 03.11.1993
10 04.11.1993
11 15.11.1993
12 16.11.1993
13 20.11.1993
14 23.11.1993
15 24.11.1993
16 25.11.1993
17 29.11.1993
18 23.12.1993
19 25.12.1993
In-Flight checkups
No. Date
Cosmonaut Comment
V. M. A. Yu. V. U. V. V. P.
1 26.01.1994 Break of the screws on the breast backing
2 11.02.1994
3 05.03.1994
4 08.04.1994 Month?
5 24.04.1994
6 11.05.1994
7 07.06.1994
8 08.06.1994
Post-Flight checkups
No. Date
Cosmonaut Comment
V. M. A. Yu. V. U. V. V. P.
1 13.07.1994
2 13.07.1994
3 15.07.1994
4 18.07.1994
Russian Longterm-Flight – Phase 2

Here you can find the accomplishment of the experiment MOTOMIR which was accomplished before, during and after the flight by the main crew 16. The main crew 16 consisted of the cosmonauts Yuri Ivanovich Malenchenko (Yu. I. M.) and Talgat Amangeldyevich Musabayev (T. A. M.). The scientific cosmonaut Valeri Vladimirovich Poljakov (V. V. P.), who has worked as a member of the main crew 15 on the space station 6 months before, went on with his job as a member of the main crew 16. Because the cosmonaut Valeri Vladimirovich Poljakov (V. V. P.) was still in space, he didn´t make any pre-flight or post-flight checkups in the phase RLF-2.

Pre-Flight checkups
No. Date
Cosmonaut Comment
Yu. I. M. T. A. M. V. V. P.
1 15.03.1994
2 16.03.1994
3 21.03.1994
4 02.04.1994
5 03.04.1994
6 23.04.1994
7 23.04.1994
8 28.04.1994
9 29.04.1994
10 30.04.1994
11 30.04.1994
12 10.05.1994
13 10.05.1994
14 12.05.1994
In-Flight checkups
No. Date
Cosmonaut Comment
Yu. I. M. T. A. M. V. V. P.
1 23.07.1994
2 26.07.1994
3 26.07.1994
4 28.08.1994
5 30.09.1994
6 30.09.1994
7 30.09.1994
8 27.10.1994
9 27.10.1994
10 28.10.1994
Post-Flight checkups
No. Date
Cosmonaut Comment
Yu. I. M. T. A. M. V. V. P.
1 08.11.1994
2 08.11.1994
3 10.11.1994
4 10.11.1994
Russian Longterm-Flight – Phase 3

Here you can find the accomplishment of the experiment MOTOMIR which was accomplished before, during and after the flight by the main crew 17. The main crew 17 consisted of the cosmonauts Aleksandr Stepanovich Viktorenko (A. S. V.) and Yelena Vladimirovna Kondakova (Y. V. K.). The scientific cosmonaut Valeri Vladimirovich Poljakov (V. V. P.), who has worked as a member of the main crews 15 and 16 on the space station, went on with his job as a member of the main crew 17. Because the cosmonaut Valeri Vladimirovich Poljakov (V. V. P.) was still in space, he didn´t make any pre-flight checkups in the phase RLF-3.

Pre-Flight checkups
No. Date
Cosmonaut Comment
A. S. V. Y. V. K. V. V. P.
1 26.07.1994
2 29.07.1994
3 03.08.1994
4 12.09.1994
In-Flight checkups
No. Date
Cosmonaut Comment
A. S. V. Y. V. K. V. V. P.
1 21.11.1994
2 23.12.1994 Legs
3 23.12.1994 Arms
4 03.02.1995 Legs
5 03.02.1995 Arms
6 03.02.1995 Legs
7 03.02.1995 Arms
Post-Flight checkups
No. Date
Cosmonaut Comment
A. S. V. Y. V. K. V. V. P.
1 26.03.1995
2 26.03.1995
3 29.03.1995
4 30.03.1995