Accomplishment of the experiment ADLET

Russian Longterm-Flight – Phase 1

Here you can find the accomplishment of the experiment ADLET which was accomplished before, during and after the flight by the main crew 15. The main crew 15 consisted of the cosmonauts Viktor Mikhailovich Afanasiyev (V. M. A.), Yuri Vladimirovich Usachev (Yu. V. U.) and Valeri Vladimirovich Poljakov (V. V. P.).

In-Flight checkups

Six Dosemeter packages were brought on board of the space station with the main crew 15. Two of the Dosemeter packages were brought back to earth by the main crew 15 for further analysis.

Russian Longterm-Flight – Phase 2

Here you can find the accomplishment of the experiment ADLET which was accomplished before, during and after the flight by the main crew 16. The main crew 16 consisted of the cosmonauts Yuri Ivanovich Malenchenko (Yu. I. M.) and Talgat Amangeldyevich Musabayev (T. A. M.). The scientific cosmonaut Valeri Vladimirovich Poljakov (V. V. P.), who has worked as a member of the main crew 15 on the space station 6 months before, went on with his job as a member of the main crew 16.

In-Flight checkups

Two of the Dosemeter packages were brought back to earth by the main crew 16 for further analysis.

Russian Longterm-Flight – Phase 3

Here you can find the accomplishment of the experiment ADLET which was accomplished before, during and after the flight by the main crew 17. The main crew 17 consisted of the cosmonauts Aleksandr Stepanovich Viktorenko (A. S. V.) und Yelena Vladimirovna Kondakova (Y. V. K.). The scientific cosmonaut Valeri Vladimirovich Poljakov (V. V. P.), who has worked as a member of the main crews 15 and 16 on the space station, went on with his job as a member of the main crew 17.

In-Flight checkups

The last two of the Dosemeter packages were brought back to earth by the main crew 17 for further analysis.