
Here you can find a list of interesting links to other websites with additional information to the AUSTROMIR-91 project and space travel projects with Austrian participation and links on space research in Austria.

If you know of any other interesting sites that deal with AUSTROMIR-91, the Russian long-term flight (RLF), or Austrian space travel, please let us know and we can add them to our link collection.

An important note: Since some of the links are external, we are not responsible for the availability or content of the following websites.

Pages with reference to the AUSTROMIR-91 (general, experiments, …)

Page about the Austrian cosmonaut Dipl.-Ing. Franz Viehboeck

Russian Longterm Flight (Succession project of AUSTROMIR)

RLF” (Russian Longterm-Flight) was an Austrian-Russian joint research project in the range of astronautics physiology and -medicine. Based on the experiences and developments of the project AUSTROMIR-91, it came in the years 1993 to 1997 to partly unexpected, new biomedical results.

Russian Longterm Flight (RLF)

The BRITE-Austria Project

BRITE” (BRight Target Explorer) Constellation is a group of actual 6 Nanosatelittes to investigate the brightest stars in the sky. Three countries contribute satellites: Astria BRITE-AUSTRIA (TUGSAT-1) and UniBRITE. Poland BRITE-PL (called “LEM”) and BRITE-PL2 and Canada with BRITE-CA1 und BRITE-CA2. BRITE-AUSTRIA and UniBRITE will be the first launched and operated satellites.

The TUGSAT-1/BRITE-Austria Project

Pages about Austrian space exploration and -activities

Page from the Agency of Aerospace from the FFG
Page from the Space Rsearch Institute of the Austrian Academy of Science